
Friday 4 May 2018

Drama (Matariki)

Stan walker aotearoa-don’t know what style of music it is
I like how creative it is
The song is about new zealand
I like the beat to it
(feat. Troy Kingi, Ria Hall, Maisey Rika)

Nō tawhiti, nō tata
nō te whenua o te Atua tātou
ahakoa nō hea mai koe
ka whawhai tonu mātou mōu

Ko au tō maunga, tū tonu
ko te moana pari mai koe
ko koe te awa i taku remu, ko tāua anō tāua
nō te one i Kurawaka, hei tiaki i te whenua nei

Aotearoa, he iwi kaha tātou,
he mana tuku iho mai anō
whenua haumako
wairua ora
whāia tō ara
ki te mutunga

Nō tawhiti, nō tata
nō te whenua o te Atua tātou
ahakoa nō hea mai koe
ka whawhai tonu mātou mōu

He kōrero tō te whenua, heke mai ki a tātou
he toa au mōna e oke nei e
e kore au e hinga
he uri nō te roimata
te toto o ngā tūpuna
e kore au e wehi ē

Kia kaha tātou ki tāu i pai ai
Whakatinana, kaua e ngutu noa
Whenua haumako, wairua ora
whāia tō ara ki te mutunga

Nō tawhiti, nō tata
nō te whenua o te Atua tātou
ahakoa nō hea mai koe
ka whawhai tonu mātou mōu

Nō tawhiti, nō tata
nō te whenua o te Atua tātou
ahakoa nō hea mai koe
ka whawhai tonu mātou mōu

E Ihowa atua
o ngā iwi mātou rā
āta whakarongona
me aroha noa
kia hua ko te pai
kia tau tō atawhai
manaakitia mai

Nō tawhiti, nō tata
nō te whenua o te Atua tātou
ahakoa nō hea mai koe
ka whawhai tonu mātou mōu

Nō tawhiti, nō tata
nō te whenua o te Atua tātou
ahakoa nō hea mai koe
ka whawhai tonu mātou mōu

Nō tawhiti, nō tata
nō te whenua o te Atua tātou
ahakoa nō hea mai koe
ka whawhai tonu mātou mōu
[English Translation:]

No matter if you're near or far
We come from the land of God
No matter where you belong
We'll fight for your freedom

I am the mountain, you are the sea flowing toward me
You are the river that runs through me, I am her she is me
Created from dust and sand, born to lead this land

Where we come from we were made to be strong
Our legacy will carry on
And if a piece of home
Resonates in your soul
Your journey will take you
Where you belong

No matter if you're near or far
We come from the land of God
No matter where you belong
We'll fight for your freedom

The heritage of this land is deep, we are it's legacy
I am her warrior, I fight for thee, we have the victory
Born from blood and tears, I am stronger than fear

We strive to move to our destiny
we practice more than what we preach
and if a piece of home resonates in your soul
your journey will take you where you belong

No matter if you're near or far
We come from the land of God
No matter where you belong
We'll fight for your freedom


God of Nations at thy feet
In the bonds of love we meet
Hear our voices we entreat
God defend our free land!

No matter if you're near or far
We come from the land of God
No matter where you belong
We'll fight for your freedom

No matter if you're near or far
We come from the land of God
No matter where you belong
We'll fight for your freedom

No matter if you're near or far
We come from the land of God
No matter where you belong
We'll fight for your freedom

Modern Māori Quartet feat. Awhimai Fraser 'Māreikura
It’s quite basic
I don’t know what it’s about/lyrics
It’s nice but I can hardly hear the girl.

It’s looks exciting and fun. Colourful as well
I like that it has a good meaning behind it
English lyrics

The essence of soul and spirit tingles the skin
An essence that isn't truly felt until one opens up

Once confronted by internal debate, a source of life and inspiration springs within you
A spring-well of instinct and a soul that is completely yours

It is your SPIRIT - may it spread around the world
It is your SOUL - let it fly and soar
Filled with instinct and inspiration that can guide you to your full potential

A little wairua is better than none at all, be it small or large - it is still a gift

Although it may not be tangible, it's a connection blind to the naked eye

Once confronted by internal debate, a source of life and inspiration springs within you
A spring-well of life and soul that is completely yours

It is your SPIRIT - may it spread around the world
It is your SOUL - let it fly and soar
A subtle means of inspiration and spiritual flow that can guide you to your full potential

Stomp clap the beat the beat clap, to the pound pound clap, the beat the beat CLAP!

Stand up and let your wairua guide you!


It has quite a nice beat
I like how changes from english to maori throughout the song
I don’t know the english translations for the maori parts.

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